Train2Validate – Last event in Slovenia on 22 June

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Train2Validate: Final results in the last Multiplier Event in Slovenia

The Train2Validate project will organize its last Multiplier Event in Ljubljana, Slovenia, next June, 22nd. In the event titled “Europe’s Easy-to-Read validators: embarking on an adventure!”, the partners of the Erasmus+ project will present the results obtained after these three years of work. One of the milestones of the project was to create a free and online platform, created using Google Classroom, with all the training materials for prospective Easy-to-Read validators and facilitators.

Partners, stakeholders, and end-users will also discuss the possibility to create a certification for validators and facilitators of Easy-to-Read.

Tatjana Knapp, partner leader from Zavod RISA, will host the event and talk about the results of the testing with end-users of the training materials.

As a partner of the Train2Validate project, Dr Rocío Bernabé Caro from the International University SDI München, will feature a roundtable with others project partners leaders, where they will go through the journey of the project.

If you want to read the full program and sign up for the event, visit the dedicated section on the website of the Train2Validate project.

Find out more about the Erasmus+ project Train2Validate and the SDI München’s role!

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