Last updated: 21 November 2022 – Looking for the German version?
As of last week, persons infected with Corona are no longer required to go into isolation in Bavaria. To ensure that we continue to get through autumn and winter in good health, we ask you to observe the following regulations.
Dealing with COVID-19 and cold symptoms
- Since 16 November 2022, persons infected with Corona are no longer required to self-isolate in Bavaria.
- Whether you tested positive for the coronavirus or have the flu, a severe cold or other viruses and bacteria: If you are clearly ill, please continue to stay at home until cured completely!
- If you have a confirmed Corona infection with only mild or no symptoms, we also recommend that you stay at home. However, you are allowed to come to the SDI. If you do, please wear a face mask at all times – preferably an FFP2 mask – and consistently keep your distance.
Face masks
- At present, there is no legal requirement to wear medical masks indoors.
- In case of a confirmed Corona infection with mild symptoms, please wear an FFP2 mask when you come to the SDI.
- Besides all that, wearing a medical mask can't hurt if it is crowded in the corridors or in the queue in the SDI bistro.
Airing rooms
- Airing rooms is always beneficial, regardless of whether there is an official regulation or not.
- Together with your teachers, please make sure to air classrooms every 20 minutes for at least 3 minutes.
- To prevent the rooms from cooling down too much, please do not air them permanently.
- Together with your teachers, please remember to close the windows before leaving the classrooms.
Thank you for your cooperation and stay healthy!
Your team of the SDI München / International University SDI München
Official sources of information
On the following websites you will always find current information from the official authorities. Please inform yourself regularly about the current situation and follow the recommendations.
Please inform yourself actively!
- Robert Koch-Institut
- Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung
- Bundesgesundheitsministerium
- Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Unterricht und Kultus
- Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst
- Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit
- Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Gesundheit und Pflege – Questions on the Post-Entry Quarantine Ordinance (EQV)