Welcome to the Alumni Network of the University

The Alumni Network is a platform for graduates of the International University SDI München. We will keep you informed about news, activities and training opportunities at the SDI.

Stay in touch with your alma mater and your fellow students!

Not a member yet?

Would you also like to become part of the Alumni Network of the International University SDI München? This way, you will always be up to date and get access to the Career Center, the in-house job exchange! Then simply register by completing the following online membership application form.

Your contact: Fabian Obermeir (fabian.obermeir@sdi-muenchen.de)

Join now!

  • Fill out the registration form for the SDI Alumni Network (online)!

  • Engage in networking as part of the SDI group on XING or as a follower on LinkedIn!

  • Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!

  • Check out the SDI YouTube channel!

  • Visit our public lecture series and events!

  • Share your knowledge! Are there any internship or job opportunities in your company? How did you get on when you started your professional life? What do you actually do now? No matter what, tell us about it!

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